RPM Speedway

    Friday Night RPM Speedway Rained Out. Superbowl Speedway still on for Sat


    POWRi Lonestar 600's Non Wing

    Friday Night RPM Speedway Rained Out. Superbowl Speedway still on for Sat

    Unfortunately due to severe rain and not enough time to prep track from Thursday rains RPM Speedway staff has decided to Rain Out tonight's events.

    However Saturday night at Superbowl Speedway is still a green light. Saturday night the two sanctions will collide for one heck of a night of racing. The Non WIng 600's will race to win $1000 and last gets $150. Restrictor's are fighting for a $300 to win and $50 to start purse. Big money on the line so lets all go out and support Superbowl Speedway.

    See you Sat

    Submitted By: Scot Maust

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